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Monday, 13 July 2009

Nurgle Progress

Well. I've finally returned to the Death Guard... and I didn't need to buy a single damned model

Over the years i've been in the hobby, i've picked up a fair few models that I don't like. Whether it's a bad model or a bad paint job (or both :O), I will keep it

And this is when it pays off

I use them as Plague Marines. Bit of green stuff, modelled with whatever is handy (I used a knife with a small bit taken off, to allow for easier sculpting). Out of the 49 that i'm making, i've done 14 so far

But this wasn't all

I've finally used my Vindicator, from about a year ago. Large GS on it, to show Nurgle 'tri skull' symbols. Might post that eventually, lool

But hey. Thats 7 left until i've got 49 GS Plague Marines

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