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Saturday, 19 December 2009

PROJECT: Torrent of Cheese*

*: Cheese being defined as stuff people have been screaming about being 'so broken'.

One main complaint I have noticed over teh internetz is that various elements of the SW army is 'so broken'. Thunderwolves, JotWW, Rune Priests, cheap Troops, and so on. So, in search of this mythical cheese, I will be building up a large force over the next few months to test out the lengths that this hypothetical cheese actually goes to. In accordance with my strict 'plastic only' policy on SW, I will be converting as much of the stuff as possible from molten cheese... I mean, plastic.

HQ Choices
Space Wolves have 1-4 HQ choices, so for these I thought - hmm, what would fit into a Cheese based dairy army? My answer - Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf, Canis Wolfborn, and two Rune Priests on Foot.
For the purposes of Canis, I intend on using one of the various Mordheim options - either The Caller's rat thing, or the Watcher rat thing. Both are metal models, but they are damned better than the actual metal model! I will GS the fur and everything.
For the Rune Priests... a bit more simple. I will be basing the models upon my Njal in Rune Armour, and using various options available to me to help with this.

Troop Choices
Canis makes all Fenrisian Wolves into Troop Choices, so that means I have three to pick from. I will use 20 Wolves with 2 Cyberwolves as my two mandatories for now. For these wolves, I will use the direct plastics, to save time.
After I noticed I was a bit underpointed, I added two razorbacks with 10 Grey Hunters between them, as well as a Plasma Gun or two, to deal with some... new things (cough nids cough).

Fast Attack Choices
Apparently where the main regions of cheese lie. I will be purchasing 10 Thunderwolf Cavalry to serve as retinues to my two wolven HQs, and each will have a Storm Shield for added protection from damage.
I will be converting these from Sabretusks or something like that, methinks, unless I find something better to use.

The List - 1750pts
This is the list I intend on using at the moment:
HQ- Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf Mount, with Power Weapon and Bolt Pistol. Bears the Saga of the Beastslayer, a Wolf Tooth Necklace, and a Belt of Russ = 200
HQ- Canis Wolfborn, joined by two pet Fenrisian Wolves = 205
HQ- Rune Priest (Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning) = 100
HQ- Rune Priest (Jaws of the World Wolf, Murderous Hurricane) = 100
Troops- 10 Fenrisian Wolves with 1 Cyberwolf = 88
Troops- 10 Fenrisian Wolves with 1 Cyberwolf = 88
Troops- 5 Grey Hunters with Plasma Gun and Razorback (Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Extra Armour) = 175
Troops- 5 Grey Hunters with Plasma Gun and Razorback (Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Extra Armour) = 175
Fast- 5 Thunderwolf Cavalry with 1 Storm Shield and Power Sword, as well as 1 Mark of the Wulfen = 300
Fast- 5 Thunderwolf Cavalry with 1 Storm Shield and Power Sword, as well as 1 Mark of the Wulfen = 300

The army is split into two flanks, if you will. Each flank is filled with the same units - 6 Thunderwolves, 10 Fenrisians, 5 Hunters, and 1 Rune Priest. Priests give Psychic protection, and their retinues give a bit of durability. That's it, really.

Now to begin building it... :P

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