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Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Lost and the Damned

Units currently with rules written for:
  • Aspiring Champion (Pts, Rules), Daemonhosts (Pts, Rules), Rogue Psykers (Pts, Rules), Cult Leader (Pts, Rules)
  • 0-1 Big Mutants, 0-1 Rabble Rousers, 0-1 Possessed, 0-1 Forsaken
  • Mutants, Traitors, Gibbering Hordes, Coven, Cultists
  • Traitor Recon, Spawn, Defiler
  • Traitor Tanks, Marines, Marine Tanks

This means that there is about a week until I can publish a first draft. Then it goes into a first batch of testing as the Lost and the Damned players I actually know rip the characters apart. I can tell you that there is a couple of awesome rules and equipments for your characters to use, including specific weapons for your 'generic' daemons:

  • Summoning Daemons is an important concept of 1 variant of the list, the Daemon Cult list. You must have 2+ Cult Leaders and 2+ Squads of Cultists to use the list, and since these units will be big enough to sacrfice to summon the daemons, they are good choices anyway
  • Each god's daemons will have 2 to 4 pieces of equipment to use. These range from whole squad ones, or things such as the Daemonic Ark (which gives Sustained Attack to that unit ONCE) or the Kalab's Mark (Watch this Space)
  • The Greater Daemons have their own marks as well. Nurgle ones are slow but strong. The Tzeentch ones are good at shooting (Ballistic Skill 8!) while fragile. The Slaanesh ones are fast, fragile, but good at ripping even Wyches apart
  • There is no undivided daemons, however, so you will be forced to dedicate to god daemons

So, Lost and the Damned done by me. I personally can't wait. I'm so interested that in order to help with activity and ease of navigation, i'm creating a separate blog in order to distinguish for you!

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