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Friday, 31 October 2008

Tournament: Sample Games at 1750 points

This is a set of games that anyone could play as part of a tournament or friendly game! These are not suggested for pick-up games - arrange them, in order to make it a better game in the end for both players. You can tone up or down the rules - use 10 vortex grenades instead of 5 for example!

Game 1
Primary: Capture and Control
Secondary: Decapitation (Kill the opposing independant characters. 1 more objective held if both are killed)
Deployment: Hidden Set Up, roll off to see who is Hidden
Special: Objectives may be held by ANY units, except dedicated transports, and swarms - these also do NOT contest, so if a scoring unit and swarm are in the same holding area, the scoring unit takes priority

Game 2
Primary: Reverse Annihilation (Kill Point per surviving unit)
Secondary: Annihilation (Normal)
Deployment: Spearhead, Opponent deploys your army
Special: All units gain Rage and Fleet. Models already with Fleet lose this rule

Game 3
Primary: Control Center of Board
Secondary: Table Quarters
Deployment: Random (Normal Roll)
Special: 5 Vortex Grenades. 1 is deployed in center of each table quarter, and 1 in the center of the board. Use normal rules

Win: 2 Points
Draw: 1 Point
Loss: 0 Points
If 2 players are tied, base final positions on wins/draws/losses (2 wins VS 2 draws and 1 loss = the 2 wins win take priority)

Tournament: Final Record

I played in a tournament today, with a Slaaneshi list:
Each unit comes with a Mark of Slaanesh
Daemon Prince with Lash of Submission
Chaos Lord with Daemon Weapon
5 Possessed with Champion
10 Marines with Champion (P Wep, Plas Pistol), Flamer
10 Marines with Champion (P Wep, Plas Pistol)
6 Noise Marines

The going was tough, but here's the result:
Game 1 - Spearhead, Annihilation
This game was against a Kantor list. Compact, and out-hording me. The Possessed rolled Furious Charge, and were deployed with the Daemon Prince near
The first turn was blazing by Devastator squads into the Marine hordes. The Prince lashed Kantor's unit away from my army, which really helped the army survive. My army rushed out in order to lose some of the ground between the forces 0 - 0 on kill points
Turn 2, and I lost the Noise Marine squad. The Chaos Lord assaults Kantor's unit and starts the wipe - since Kantor isn't in base to base, he cannot attack which helps him survive. The Daemon Prince lashes a Tactical squad into combat with the Possessed (the single remaining) and the Prince helps in this. The Marines are assaulted by the Assault Squad, which is really ineffective anyway 1 - 0 on kill points to Marines
The Prince destroys the Tactical, alongside the Possessed. Kantor's unit is destroyed, and Kantor himself deals down the Chaos Lord. In my turn, Daemon Prince lashes Devastator squad down the building with a Double 6 - he promptly assaults. Assault Squad remains in combat 2 - 1 on kill points to Marines
The Prince destroys the some Devastators. The Assault squad dies. Possessed and remaining Slaanesh marines assault another Tactical squad. 2 - 2 on kill points
The Tactical squad is destroyed at last. The Devastators deal wounds to the Daemon Prince 3 - 2 on kill points to Slaaneshites
The Game ends 3 - 2 to my army
Game 1 was annoyingly found to be a fraud. My opponent had completely forgotten 2 squads of Scouts. This meant, really, that the game would probably have been a draw. However, I did have a squad completely in my table quarter that was still alive entirely. We decided to change it to a draw

Game 2 - Dawn of War, Annihilation
I played against a fellow Lord of Chaos. Unfortunately, this Lord was the unbeaten Master of Khorne. Ok, there was a few faults in this match:
1) My Slaanesh Icons had been completely DESTROYED by someone accidentally crushing them
2) The undefeated one therefore ignored EVERY initiative boost my army had
3) My opponent somehow decided that at first a 4 inch movement couldn't move any of his models off their pillar. However, later he decides 'My 4 inch difficult terrain test allows EVERY model to move off the pillar, which is 3 floors, and then 2 inches away as well'
These 3 points make it horribly unfair in the match
Turn 1 - Khorne D Weapon Lord loses 2 wounds. Daemon Prince dies
Turn 2 - Noise Marines, Marine Squad 1, and Chaos Lord die. The Chaos Lord SHOULDN'T die

Opponent (O): My Khorne Lord attacks the Noise Marines. He kills them all
Me (M): Ok. They get their attacks due to initiative (Kills 1 Khorne Berserker)
O: Ok, now the Khorne Berserkers attack the Chaos Lord
M: Wait, they're not in base to base contact. Thats why my Chaos Lord didn't attack. Also, the Khorne Berserkers count the Chaos Lord as another unit in close combat
O (complaining, as in Gamers Night, where I proved him and a staff member wrong): But he joined a unit
M: Meh, whatever. I claim my attacks (kills none with my Instant Death weapon)
O: (Kills the Chaos Lord)


Game 3 - Seize Ground (5), Dawn of War
This is incredible. I play a decent staff member. He's using Tau, which suck even more than usual against Slaanesh. I deploy the Daemon Prince and a Noise Marine and Marine unit on the board - he uses 2 Fire Warrior squads and a Crisis Commander + 1 Crisis Suit
Can't remember the game much, but I remember this:
Turn 1 - 2 - 0 on objectives to me
Turn 2 - 2 - 0 on objectives to me
Turn 3 - 1 - 0 on objectives to me
Turn 4 - 2 - 0 on objectives to me
Turn 5 - 3 - 1 on objectives to me
Turn 6 - 2 - 1 on objectives to me
Turn 7 - 1 - 1 on objectives
I just barely lost this game. Bloody random game length

So, the end result:
Played 3, Won 1 (0, if Game 1 is draw), Drawn 1 (2, if Game 1 is draw), and Lost 1

Meh, good result with an amry I built on the day...

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Tale of Store Gamers: Chaos Part 1

I've begun the completion of my Warriors of Chaos army. I'll be building it from November -> February, in order to finally get a decent army out
Here's the models i've completed so far:
Lvl2 Sorcerer of Nurgle
Lvl2 Sorcerer of Nurgle
Exalted Hero of Khorne
10 Chaos Warriors of Khorne
1 Chaos Warrior of Nurgle
This is only the first £28 of the army, and here are components:
12 Chaos Warrior boxset
2 Berserker Champions
Corsair Command (Fantasy)

I might have models posted up soon

Friday, 24 October 2008

Ka'Lui'Trurm - The Host of Crippling Blades

This is the first army post on the blog. Well, i've decided to start with a '1 week before' list - this is Warriors of Chaos. I made it at the UK Games Day - 3000 points, Lord and 3 Heroes. Undivided force, with no Slaaneshi units since I admit that I HATE Slaanesh. The fluff DEMANDS I hate Slaanesh
Who knew that the fluff... *meow* joke would be carried over to this blog? I love fluff... *meow* I admit, but Slaanesh still sucks to me
So, the 3000 point list:
The Holy Covenant of Ka'Lui'Trurm (at 3000)

Chaos Lord of Nurgle on Daemonic Steed, with Word of Agony, Armour of Damnation, Aethersword - 395

Exalted Hero of Khorne, with Soporic Musk, Berserker Sword (Axe), and extra CCW - 195
Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch (Level 2), with Spell and Warrior Familiars, and Conjoined Homonculous - 210
Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch (Level 2) with 2 Dispel Scrolls, and Third Eye of Tzeentch - 200

11 Chaos Warriors of Khorne, with a Full Command, and 2 CCW each - 216
11 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch, with a Full Command, and a Shield each - 226
11 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch, with a Full Command, and a Shield each - 226
12 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle, with a Full Command, and a Shield each - 242
20 Marauders of Khorne, with a Full Command, Light Armour, and Shields each - 150
20 Marauders of Nurgle, with a Full Command, Light Armour, and 2 CCW each - 160
Cores that do not count
10 Warhounds with Poisoned Attacks and no Armour - 90
10 Warhounds with Poisoned Attacks and no Armour - 90

6 Ogres of Khorne with Great Weapons, and a Full Command - 310 (approx)
10 Chaos Knights of Nurgle, with a Full Command - 490 (approx)

Giant - 225

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Theory of an Army

Today I begin a new army. Well, to be exact I began 3 weeks ago. To be more exact, i'm starting Warriors of Chaos. Another Chaos army

I admit that I don't do Fantasy that much. My first army was a High Elf army so I don't know how to deal with the whole 'Warriors suck Initiative-wise' or 'Yes, your army won't die from lack of Toughness' thing. I'll enjoy the fact i'm negating a couple of saves even with the Marauders (I remember, could be 3 instead of 4 strength), so that makes up for the lack of knowledge otherwise

So, onto the Theory. The taking up of a new army. How does one begin the process?

I begin my borrowing a book from someone I know who uses the army. I ask what they do like about the army, what they use, what they have used. Sometimes I just look at a site - for example, Warseer WIP topics. Both is as vital as the other

If this doesn't really inspire me, I then move onto looking at the book's models. This really seems to be like the previous stage, but i'm looking at the models not paint schemes or what others use the models themselves for. Though the previous stage helps with the decision it is not vital

Failing? I choose to look at the background. Never mentioned that I play narrative armies, did I? Thats why the background is important. So power gamers, I know that it has no presence when it comes to playing ability or the army itself - it only adds character. So thats why I use it as a criterium

Finally it comes down to the list though. For Warriors of Chaos, this is an all Plastic list. The Dragon is a corrupted High Elf one. The Daemonic Steed is a Green Stuffed Chaos Steed. The champions are conversions from the Plastic kits, and combined with trophies this should work.

So, the theory is over. The next few posts will be about armies. Maybe that will make up for lack of posting!