If you've been paying attention, the following units are available in the army:
1-3 Aspiring Champions (Mandatory)
0-5 Advisors (Daemonhost, Cult Leader, Rogue Psyker)
Cultist Possessed
Big Mutants
Rabble Rousers (1 per unit of Mutants or Big Mutants)
Lesser Daemons
Fast Attack
Hordes of the Gods
Chaos Defiler
Screaming Souls
Hell Riders
Traitor Recon
Heavy Support
Forsaken of the Gods
Chaos Space Marines
Traitor Tanks
Dark Mechanicus
So! What to use, what to use... Well, Traitors share the same basic profile and options of an Imperial Guardsman, only they are brought in multiples of 10 - they 'begin' as a single unit, but then get split into individual units. I'll take 3 squads of them. A single 10 of the unit becomes the command group
I'll take a Cult Leader to lead them, of course. Take a Mark - Nurgle, for the sake of the blog owner =P. Means that the traitors may take the mark as well. Marks change in LatD however, seeing as they are only for the lesser servants of the gods
Mark of Chaos Undivided (Units): Models with this mark gain the Stubborn special rule
Mark of Chaos Glorious (Characters): Models with this mark gain the Rites of Battle special rule - this means that units within 12 inches may count as their leadership for all tests requiring Leadership (this excludes Psychic tests)
Mark of Khorne: Models with this mark gain an additional point of Strength. This is applied after any other modifiers.
Mark of Nurgle: Models with this mark gain +1 to their cover saves - if they are in the open, they gain a 5+ Cover Save
Mark of Tzeentch: Models with this mark gain the Relentless special rule. However, they may not choose to use the "Run!" special rule
Mark of Slaanesh: Models with this mark gain the Fleet special rule. They must, however, use their own basic Leadership unless another model with the Mark of Slaanesh joins the squad
Let's fast forward. Here's the summary of the list i'll be building and posting on the site over the next few months:
Aspiring Champion of Chaos Glorious (Lesser Daemon Weapon, Armour of Grief, Personal Icon)
Aspiring Champion of Khorne (Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Personal Icon)
Rogue Psyker of Tzeentch (2 Powers, Force Weapon)
Rogue Psyker of Tzeentch (2 Powers, Force Weapon)
Cult Leader of Slaanesh (Power Weapon, Power Armour)
Cult Leader of Slaanesh (Power Weapon, Power Armour)
30 Traitors of Tzeentch (Command Group: Icon, Champion (P Wep), 2 Meltaguns. 2 Squads: Champion (Poison Weapon), Flamer, Grenade Launcher)
30 Cultists of Slaanesh (Command Group: Icon, Champion (P Wep), 2 Flamers. 2 Squads: Champion (P Wep), Flamer)
30 Cultists of Slaanesh (Command Group: Icon, Champion (P Wep), 2 Flamers. 2 Squads: Champion (P Wep), Flamer)
20 Mutants of Chaos Undivided (Firearms and CCW)
20 Mutants of Chaos Undivided (Firearms and CCW)
20 Mutants of Chaos Undivided (Firearms and CCW)
20 Mutants of Chaos Undivided (Firearms and CCW)
5 Rabble Rousers with Extra CCW Arms
3 Big Mutants with Extra CCW Arms
Fast Attack
3 Hell Riders of Khorne with Pyromancer (Power Weapon and Hunting Lance)
Defiler of Chaos
~ This is all that i'm allowed to admit at the moment - it's some things that i'll be building and finalising the rules for in April. See you then!