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Friday, 9 July 2010

Imperial Ideas: Age of Steel 2000

Games Workshop posted a number of FAQs - about 15 actually - which cover many of the changes which are occurring to armies due to 8th Edition. As part of this, there's one very handy ruling on Engineers... if they stand within 3" of a war machine, the war machine gets massive bonuses. That's the thing... some people have been just noting this simple fact by itself.

With the new 'Force Chart' for choosing your army, it is quite possible to plan an entire army about this fact... An Age of Steel as I call it (or the Gunline force as people sometimes call it :P)

The idea of the Age of Steel is that you launch as many rocks into the foe's face as possible. Whether these rocks are from the Lore of Metal, Great Cannons, or just Handgunners is irrelevant. The core of it will generally be Engineers in units of Swordsmen.

Master Engineer with Hochland Long Rifle. 85
Master Engineer with Hochland Long Rifle. 85
Master Engineer with Hochland Long Rifle. 85
Master Engineer with Hochland Long Rifle. 85

20 Handgunners with Full Command. 180. 4 Ranks of 5.
20 Handgunners with Full Command. 180. 4 Ranks of 5.
11 Swordsmen with Musician, Standard Bearer. 81. 4 Ranks of 3.
11 Swordsmen with Musician, Standard Bearer. 81. 4 Ranks of 3 .
11 Swordsmen with Musician, Standard Bearer. 81. 4 Ranks of 3.
11 Swordsmen with Musician, Standard Bearer. 81. 4 Ranks of 3.

Great Cannon. 100
Great Cannon. 100
Great Cannon. 100
Mortar. 75
Mortar. 75
Mortar. 75

Helstorm Rocket Battery. 115
Helstorm Rocket Battery. 115
Helblaster Volley Gun. 110
Helblaster Volley Gun. 110

This main force comes up to 1999 points. It uses...
0/500 Lords
340/500 Heroes
584/500+ Core
525/1000 Special
430/500 Rare

If I were to increase this to higher points, i'd probably add loads of fodder to run at the front...
Warrior Priest. 90
Warrior Priest. 90
24 Free Company. 120
24 Free Company. 120

Total Points? 2419.
Total Units? 24
Standards? 6
General? Just any of the Engineers. To be in the middle.

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