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Saturday, 10 July 2010

The Colours of Magic: The Wind of Death

Ah the Lore of Death, most pleasing of the lores of Warhammer Fantasy. Like all the Lores of the Basic Rulebook, the Lore of Death has been vastly buffed in comparison to its 7th Edition counterpart and now forms a viable alternative Damage dealing lore for one simple reason.

The Lore of Death Generates Power Dice for dealing wounds.

Woah. That is one pretty nifty change, mes amis. For each unsaved wound dealt by a Lore of Death spell (the most effective, i'd say, being Spirit Leech) roll a d6. On a 5+, the army's power pool increases by a single d6. Wow. While you may not be able to spam spells like you used to to really benefit from this buff, it certainly is one of those reasons why you want Death to either be near the middle of the spellcasting list due to the glass ceiling of 12 Power Dice in your dice pool.

The Lore of Death is more than just a damage dealing lore, though (ironic, eh?). This Lore is based entirely around really disrupting your foe by stacking debuffs onto his units...
- There are two Hex spells in the Lore, being Doom and Darkness (which reduces Leadership) and Soulblight (which reduces Strength and Toughness)
- There are three Direct Damage spells in the Lore, being The Fate of Bjuna (which damages based on the foe's Toughness), The Caress of Laniph (which damages based upon Strength), and of course Spirit Leech (which damages based upon Leadership)

Oh jeez mister, I think that says it all. The Lore of Death is a self fuelling lore! Level Two Wizards will just love being able to fuel their own damage by picking up Doom and Darkness and the Signature Spell, Spirit Leech, or alternatively by picking up Soulblight and either of the other Direct Damage spells available really. But that isn't all that the lore is for...
- The Purple Sun of Xereus aka the 6th Spell of the Lore is another 'Direct Damage' spell but with a twist - it's a Stone Thrower of doooom! The target takes an Initiative Test or is literally torn apart and removed from play. With the fact that all models under a template are auto hit now that is one nasty effect.
- Aspect of the Dreadknight is an Augment spell - the only one in the Lore of Death - which literally just makes the target scarier. Though you can't automatically make a Fear unit Terrifying, this can really make that giant unit of, say, 30 Flagellants really tough to deal with.

How does the Lore of Death team up with other Lores, though?
The Lore of Death, while already quite daunting in its self sustainability, should be teamed up with any of the following Lores:
- The Lore of Fire has one combo, which is the Fulminating Flame Cage. This Hex will cause each model in the unit to take a Strength 4 hit if it moves (before ceasing). Using Soulblight on that unit will increase the chances of wounding. Using Aspect of the Dreadknight on a unit charging that Caged unit could cause it to flee, causing damage to it as it does so!
- The Lore of Shadows can combo The Enfeebling Foe with The Caress of Laniph due to the spell's effect of decreasing the target's Strength by D3. Ooh, more damage... Alternatively Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma can be combined with the Purple Sun to deal Initiative test pains.
- The Lore f Life can combo The Dwellers Below with Soulblight in order to increase the chances that the target will fail their Toughness Tests.
- The Lore of Light can combo Net of Amyntok with Soulblight for more Strength Test shenanigans.
- The Lore of Heavens can combo Iceshard Blizzard with Spirit Leech (Wow, two Signatures working together!) to deal some more Leadership damage.
Overall, I recommend a pairing of the Lore of Shadows with the Lore of Death.

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