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Saturday, 19 September 2009

ARMY LIST: Warriors of the Storm

Space Wolves Advance Orders are now UP on the Games Workshop website, so I have decided to make up a list in order to test out the list.

When I first looked at the codex, it looked exactly like how everyone else felt it was - Broken beyond Belief. However, then I noticed that actually the codex is only broken INDIVIDUALLY - it requires lots of points to make it effective. Therefore, this is my list.

Space Wolves can take a maximum of 4 HQ choices - this is from Wolf Lords, Wolf Guard Battle Leaders (which are OLD Captains - 2 wounds etc), Rune Priests (meh. not too bad), and Wolf Priests (THESE are awful.)
I have chosen:
- Njal Stormcaller with Runic Terminator Armour - 270
- Wolf Lord with Saga of the Warrior Born, Terminator Armour, and Two Wolf Claws - 195

Space Wolves have a lot of options here. Wolf Guard, Dreadnoughts, Venerable Dreadnoughts, Lone Wolves, and Wolf Guard Terminators (as part of WG.) This makes it fairly difficult to pick them - you may want to choose 2 units of Wolf Guard, one for Sergeants and one for actual unit. Logan Grimnir is ungodly for WG - they become Troops only.
- 10 Wolf Guard with 4 Power Weapon/Bolt Pistol, 2 Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield, 2 Power Fist/Bolt Pistol, 2 Twin Wolf Claws, and 1 Terminator Armour - 385
- 5 Wolf Guard Terminators with 1 Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield, 1 Frost Blade/Storm Bolter, 1 Assault Cannon/Power Fist, 1 Power Weapon/Storm Bolter, and 1 Twin Wolf Claws - 250

These are just basic choices. No sergeants are innately possible. However, I can detach Wolf Guard (any type) and add them to any unit! W00t! Therefore, the Blood Claws will have a Wolf Guard with Twin Wolf Claws, and the Grey Hunters will have a Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield attached.
- 15 Blood Claws with 2 Flamers, and 1 Power Weapon - 240
- 15 Blood Claws with 2 Flamers, and 1 Power Weapon - 240
- 10 Grey Hunters with 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Flamer, 1 Wolf Standard, 1 Power Weapon, and 1 Mark of the Wulfen - 200

Fast Attack
This is simple - Blood Claws with Packs, Blood Claws with Bikes, Land Speeders, Attack Bikes, Wolves, or WOLF CAVALRY. WOLF CAVALRY. I mean, what the hell?
- 5 Skyclaws (Blood Claw Packs) with 1 Mark of the Wulfen and 1 Power Weapon - 120
- 10 Fenrisian Wolves - 80
- 10 Fenrisian Wolves - 80

Heavy Support
This is quite obvious. THERE IS NO SPECIAL LAND RAIDER. You get all the tanks of Codex Space Marines (yes. Redeemers...) as well as Long Fangs...
- 6 Long Fangs including Pack Leader, with 3 Heavy Bolters and 2 Plasma Cannons. Pack Leader has Power Fist - 155

OBJ UNITS: 3 Scoring, 6 Contest, 2 Nothing (Wolves never score/contest)

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